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新科儀器設備有限公司 德國漢斯hontzsch公司之風速及流量測量儀 (香港及中國代理商) 瑞士 rotronic 公司之各類溫濕度 測量儀 (香港及中國代理商) RION 日本理音RION噪音儀NL42/NL52 (香港經銷商) | Hong Kong Tax Treaty Status and Rates Notes 1. Hong Kong's default dividends withholding tax rate is 0%. A treaty may stipulate a higher rate. 2. Hong Kong's default interest withholding tax rate is 0%. A treaty may stipulate a higher rate. 3. The higher rate is imposed where the payment is d | Latest Treaty Updates: Hong Kong Mexico Praised For Tax Transparency 19/8/2014 Mexico was the only country to be rated fully compliant with international tax transparency standards out of ten jurisdictions that were issued ratings by the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Developm
DTA Announcement Announcements - Inland Revenue Department 稅務局 Japan exchanged Notes with the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region on 10 December 2014 regarding the expansion of the coverage of tax types under the exchange of information arrangement of the Agreement between the Government of the Hong Kong ...
Japan - Hong Kong tax treaty - Ernst & Young Japan - Hong Kong tax treaty. December 2010. International tax alert. On 9 November 2010, the ...
Japan/Hong Kong tax treaty: PwC On July 15th, Japan's Ministry of Finance announced that the Japan-Hong Kong tax treaty for the ...
Hong Kong-Japan tax treaty offers investment benefits Hong Kong's double tax agreement with Japan, which was agreed in principle on 31 March, is expected ...
Department of Justice - Laws of Hong Kong 2015年1月8日 - List of Double Taxation Avoidance Agreements ... 112 Laws of Hong Kong ... and Prevention of Fiscal Evasion with respect to Taxes on Income) (Japan) Order : Cap.